Dance like nobody's watching

NUS Architecture

Taint a celestial vault for me in shades of blue, and sprinkle stars over clear waters, emulating musical notes floating through frozen times. Give me a sandglass containing grains of memories, take a photo of someone dancing through the prairie fields, or maybe filter Paris's boulevards and cafes in vintage lens -- drown me in such ethereal worlds.

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MND Minister Khaw Boon Wan

the next route,

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102 '06
202 '06



her tumblr

09A16 <3

6w1 '04 <3
yukiyoyeo (:
yen chuan


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Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye
Image: Kristi

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

( moments @ 3:08 PM )

Moments in life when I feel that I just have to speak up. For my decisions, for what I feel is not rightfully yours, but rightfully mine.
"When writing the story of your life, do not let others hold the pen." - tumblr
Not directing this to anyone in particular, but seriously, when was everything as simple as 'doing this and not that means you lack the guts'??


damn all this pieces of thoughts whirling around in the wind, with strings hard to attach, and black and white are just insufficient to paint them.

why would doing this indicate that I'm one who do not have the guts in life?! Seriously. If I had no guts at all, why would I even choose to apply for it, and why even struggle till yesterday? We are all older to know that whatever decision it is that we make now, it is never just A and B. If I had not the guts why would I have even cared to study ELL, and getting a C as that? Is that not enough evidence already that whatever we do in life, we take risks and even the safest choices can turn your whole world Topsy Turvy?

But the thing that really left me in flames, was the fact that people really do in general stereotype and superficially determine your character with the choices you choose. Why not look deeper, and try to understand the numerous factors considered? Sometimes I really do feel that we are rather blinded by this "21st century skills" thing. Not that it's bad, but I mean blinded in the sense that we are now all inclined to think that "successful = this this this" or "to be successful, you must this this this".

Besides those things, I'm sure there's gotta be more to life.

Life isn't something so simple that you can simple reduce the meaning of success to slogans and theories. No matter how many theories we come up with, or how many successful examples we have seen, life is so immensely diverse, complex and intricate that everyone's case is different. Not every single person in this generation can subscribe to the general definition of "successful" (not that there is one to begin with, perhaps better put "stereotypical"), or rather, no one can. So many people fail to acknowledge that dreams are specific and subjective, that each of us holds vastly differing morals, values, and perspectives. Successful in life can mean so many things around the globe - becoming famous, attain a high rank in work, to have loved and be loved, or simply just to survive.

Why, oh why are we so superficial, for most of the time?

Deferring for a while, this also reminded me of the fact that we always compare and contrast people. I guess this is unavoidable, and sometimes also of value, but much of the time we lose ourselves and forget our own identity. Being in a society does not mean that we need to lose all our individuality, huh? What does it mean to be successful as a person (character), part of it indefinitely comes from public definition, but I feel that the most important thing is it needs to be based on your own values. Not blindly following others, but living out your own Personal Legend. Ha! (So please do love yourselves and realize all your goodness) But I guess this is a rather superficial discussion as well, since values and morality and all is another deeper issue, but just as long as you get the gist (:

So making this decision = no guts? low chance to become more recognized and hence successful? I beg to differ. I do not deny that certain people are definitely more of a risk taker, but from another perspective you can simply say that they have no brains too, or is someone who does things rashly. Who are we to say that this decision is good or bad? No one has that position.

Only time can.

Life is full of coincidences, unforseen circumstances and luck. There is ultimately a degree as to what we can do as a person, but the rest is up to the unforseen forces (ha ha) to decide. No matter which path we take, be it conventional or not, here and there we will always encounter hardships, but as long as we come back to love and be loved, all is well. (:

and who is to say then, that we have failed in life?

we should judge our own lives in the end, not others(:

Monday, May 30, 2011

( and do fairytales come true? @ 4:11 PM )

yes, they do.

I really do have a thing for blogging inconsistently, but all right since I'm here let's do a few updates(:
been to sheares exposure camp, got myself all tanned unevenly again, met wonderful people.
and in the midst of that, I received two wonderful news

these are truly moments in life when fairytales really do come true, when prayers are answered, and you feel that you are blessed.
the road is still long, though.
(why do I feel as if sentiments are harder to translate into words?)

it has been too long after all. guess I need to come back here more often to write more. (:
OH. because I have benefited this much from kind hearted people over the net, I shall find time to write about all my scholarship applications and interviews once the last/final one is confirmed :D just so that juniors can hopefully benefit from them too! And boy there is so much to write about ha ha. Hopefully I don't forget all the things I've been through.

this post has been extremely random and extremely colloquial (save for the purpose of recording down this significant event :D). The things I write are still so vague huh, ;)

time to tumblr!

browsing blogs around has enabled me to think more deeply, which has yet to happen for quite some time already. I love epiphanic moments (:

"It’s so easy to find excuses for what is really laziness. I’ve stopped writing (in any meaningful sense) on my blog for a few months now, and the repercussions are slowly setting in: words are slipping past me without warning, thoughts worth penned down have been forgotten or become a faint half-comprehended memory, and an acquiescence for things around me is bothering me. It’s not so much a loss for words or intellectual regress, but a loss of momentum. Sometimes there’s so much happening in life that time to sit down and writing down daily muses has become a luxury that I can hardly afford. It’s sad to think – on hindsight – that A levels was what first killed the momentum, which once lost is difficult to regain.
I went back to living life. Which was in a way good and definitely refreshing (by any measure preferable to A levels), but I soon realized that a life unrecorded is a life unexamined, and therefore not worth living. In retrospect there were so much I wanted to write about that I hardly know where to begin, and so much regret that some of these memories are less vivid then they should have been."


"Cancer zodiac sign has the symbol of 'The Crab'. One of the basic characteristics of a Cancerian is that he is very prone to mood swings, which are matched by changing emotions. At one point of time, you may have seen him in a typical party mood, enjoying himself and laughing at other people's jokes. He may come across as the most extroverted member in the entire group. However, another time, he may be completely introverted, sitting in a corner and lost in his own world. This single personality trait can help you in identifying a Cancer very easily.

A Cancerian will never run behind fame and publicity, but if he ever gets it, he definitely knows how to bask in the limelight. In a melancholic mood, he can become the coldest person on this earth and drown you in his bottomless depression. Cancerians are prone to pessimism and usually hide their fears behind a veil of humor. They love to dream and for them, sky's the limit. When he cries, it is because he is deeply hurt from inside. A harsh glance or a rough tone can easily break Cancer's vulnerable heart.

When he is hurt, he will either cry his heart out or retreat into a silent spell. However, it is rare that he takes revenge from the one who has hurt him. If a Cancer retreats to his shell, you can be sure he will become completely unreachable. He won't pick his phone, answer the doorbell or even check his mail. Another mood that can engulf a Cancer is a snappy one, or you can say a crabby one. He will hate the world and snap at anything and everything. However, you can be sure he is not angry with you and will soon be his normal self again.

While in a conversation, the facial features of a crab will change a number of times, displaying his numerous moods. He has a vivid imagination and at times will drown you in his moods too. Each and every experience affects him and gets engraved in his memory. Cancerians remember everything life has taught them and are true patriots. Past intrigues them and they love to collect antiques, old treasures and ancient relics. They are the perfect keepers of secrets and people automatically confide in them.

However, their own thoughts and secrets are strictly off limits for everyone. A typical cancer will never discuss his personal life with anyone. Compassion and intuition gel perfectly with the Cancer profile. He seldom judges people, just soaks up what comes his way and reflects the same. He will never ever give up an object he cherishes, be it a gift from a lover or the worn jeans he loves wearing. Cancerians have a soft heart; they care about people and are quite helpful. However, they wait to see if someone else is helping.

If the answer is yes, they will sit back and let the other person be the savior. In case no one comes forward; they will be there to rescue you. A Cancer person may come at the last minute, but he will save you just before you are about to drown. He is not selfish, it just that he never wants to be impulsive. But, he will save you nonetheless. Before he makes any move, a Cancerian must be sure of strong backing. Without it, he hates to venture on his own. He does not forget mistakes easily, especially his own.

He will brood over them and take a long time before moving ahead again. Cancerian loves, rather reveres, his home and his loved ones. Too much is not even enough for him. He needs more, more security, more love and more care. Insecurity may lead him to depression and weaken him physically. However, Cancerians have this amazing quality of self-healing. All they require is happiness, optimism and laughter in large doses. They are prone to negative thoughts and are always preparing for the unseen future."

I simply love writings that ring with me.
So taking a "horoscopic" view, those complicated feelings from long ago when I've tried to justify my erratic behavior are actually so simply explained that I didn't have to bother. To think that I still attempted to rationalize everything (of not bothering others with the emotional moments) by throwing credits to my seemingly logical and erhem considerate actions -- all those windy explanations of 'this is all a repeating cycle' and 'we will all get better after all, because life is beautiful' and hence 'why bother others when I will be all right in the end'.

well, not that they are wrong (they still do make some sense, mind) but it seemed really simple by just summarizing it all into "However, Cancerians have this amazing quality of self-healing." HA HA HA.

Horoscopic view, huh (:
you just cant explain certain things in life. that's what makes life intriguing and magical.

Also, the Cancer part is probably the best horoscope description (of me) that I've ever came across. It intrigues me that 100% of what it says is probably right, and aptly sums up some of my life goals/character/way of living:

1. Never judging a person from first sight (and hence no first impressions whatsoever for most of the time, so please please stop digging deep dark secrets from me when there is absolutely none! GRR. Ha ha okay no one knows what I'm talking about)
2. Family oriented (ttm)
3. Self healing (HA HA HA mind it's not isolation here)
4. Extreme extrovert and extreme introvert (again, introvert is probably never the best word to complete the meaning)
5. Wander lust
6. Vintage lover
7. Random
8. Very sensitive and hence cautious with building relations (it's so lucky that we are self healing then)
9. Loves to be the one helping but secretly hopes that someone else is there to share the burden (or, teamwork?)
10. Perfect in keeping secrets (or stm/non-chalant, better put HAHAA)

and to sum it all up, a Pessimistic Idealist. :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

( 世外桃园! @ 10:07 PM )



Time to buck up(: Probably read more Chinese novels!! (But before that I must finish Jane Austen's series!)


Live, Laugh, Love. 但,爱己的同时,请看看四周。

Friday, May 06, 2011

( insomnia @ 4:14 PM )

There are times when I just simply forget how to fall asleep. Lying in bed, tossing and turning, feeling extremely agitated as the hours go by.
And how is it that after such a long while, we still manage to drift off?

Sighh. Important juncture in life. Oh, not to mention the GE. (:
prays fervently. reeeeally really fervently.

"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture."
I guess it has to be the right kind of music/architecture, huh? After all, they are both highly subjective in nature.

right now, extremely relevant (: which one would you uncork?