Eyu. 08'07'92 WRPS;NYGH;HCI NUS Architecture Taint a celestial vault for me in shades of blue, and sprinkle stars over clear waters, emulating musical notes floating through frozen times. Give me a sandglass containing grains of memories, take a photo of someone dancing through the prairie fields, or maybe filter Paris's boulevards and cafes in vintage lens -- drown me in such ethereal worlds. ♪s recommends ♥KAGAYA ♥MND Minister Khaw Boon Wan the next route, family blogs ♥09A16 ♥ARES ♥ROU+EYU LUNWEN ♥102 '06 ♥202 '06 ♥NYCHOIR 202'06 ♥bearbear ♥guenn ♥minying ♥yihui 408'08 ♥evelyn ♥felicia ♥rouying ♥chiling seniors ♥ewe ♥her tumblr 09A16 <3 ♥jinyao 6w1 '04 <3 ♥yukiyoyeo (: ♥hweetian ♥cheryl ♥yen chuan
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Thursday, February 17, 2011 ( an attempt @ 10:00 PM ) ![]() to put revelations into black and white words. did I ever mention how I admire people who can and love writing? Not just because they have a passion/dream, but partly also because I always admire their abilities to put irrational, intangible pieces of thoughts and emotions into words. what's more, so aptly put, that I am always so exhilarated to read them. (and perhaps a tinge of sorrow that I do not fall into that category.) I think that that was how I began to fall in love with English eventually. I had once felt much more affinity towards Chinese (as mentioned before in one of those posts), but slowly, the feeling that English seems to be able to better express deep and complicated emotions through those unique words sort of struck me. And so now here I am, awed by fellow good English writers who enlighten me, or express my heartfelt sentiments so delicately every now and then. So today was one of those days, and I have bits of reflections here and there. First of all I guess we are all tired, from work and perhaps some family problems. Especially those (us) who are amateurs in the workforce, and are still trying to adapt to the everyday emotion roller coaster ride. It's hectic, it's hard, it's tough. It's depressing, it's demoralizing, it's soul-breaking. To go through a whole new cycle (possibly) each month, week, or even day. How we survive, I don't know. I guess we are still managing and getting used to the new situations. Yeah, recently we love to joke about how teachers have no life. That aside, I don't deny that there are still beautiful moments though, and we still pull through somehow. Some days are just meant to be spent in a blur, when we sit in a pool of emo shit, or becoming flustered and paranoid over the simplest matter. It's a cycle as I've always emphasized, but something I read today truly stroke me and gave me a revelation. That the very fact that we ourselves are usually the ones who pull ourselves back up. That as much as we dreamed for, hoped for, longed for that very soulmate who has extraordinary emotional telepathy with us (yeah that's right I could never come up with apt phrases like this, try figure out who is the awesome writer), we are very much often disappointed in the end, as we realize that there may never be such a person who exists after all. We are, after all, individual entities with whole complicated set of minds, and who have been through hundreds and thousands of different childhood. It is already more than enough to ask for someone to understand, lest say empathize with you completely. We never really know what is going on in each other's mind, and perhaps that is also the harsh reality when even the most intimate couples can never be "as one". Perhaps there are a few in this whole wide world, but chances are there will always be a gap between one another. Which is why when we are in one of those moody days, it mostly turns out that we have to seek solace in ourselves. The best you can get from others is words of comfort, and to be honest for me, most of those shitty days when I'm really down/broken, I am usually too shag and emotionally stretched that I can't even find the strength/energy to utter another sentence to anyone else. So back to my point, this is also some kind of extended reflection/revelation from the previous post. I guess that asides from just knowing that the bad days are only temporary downfalls, deep down inside I might just acknowledge the real and true reason behind the choice of sparing others from all my emo shit --- that I had already/subconsciously realized that it is quite impossible to find that soulmate with amazing telepathy skills. Maybe that is what led me to avoid long lengthy sharing sessions, because I'm actually afraid, or better said tired, of the countless disappointment each sharing session had brought about. And that sinking feeling from each confrontation, with dreams bursting in bubbles one by one when it slowly hits you that the soul mate with amazing empathy doesn't exist. Don't get too worked up over that seemingly depressing statement if you are beginning to be. Try to think objectively, or maybe from your own point of view: How can you expect something when you yourself can't even achieve/give? For one, I can't even understand myself sometimes, lest say completely feeling the same way as someone do. The very best you can get is complete acknowledgement and love. That's all very good, but another identical brain? I guess not! (I also suddenly thought of this that reflects extremely well of what I've reflected: Whenever we meet a problem, regardless of how big or small, we are eventually the ones who have to deal with the problem ourselves. Not our friends, not our family, since they are usually not involved, and would not have totally understood since they did not witness it first-hand. They can proffer you strength, provide you with solutions, but they cannot really stand in for you completely. In the end you are the only one who goes through all the emotional up heaves, which ultimately becomes your unique life experiences.) So ending this lengthy post soon, it all boils down to us eventually. Keep holding on, and keep believing. Something I thought was so true from a drama show I watched today (though a bit off track from what I've just said): 时间终究会愈合所有的伤痛. Cliche, but suddenly very meaningful. Oh, and I thought this was worth thinking about too: Is it? Possible in our society today? I don't really know. But The Alchemist did really inspire me and brought chills down my spine, once again. It sends me thinking what my Personal Legend is. [EDIT: Just some after thoughts (it's march 25 now), I guess I never did mention that whatever I said in the above was meant to direct at "completely empathetic/telepathic". Also, I think the quote in The Alchemist does make sense too. Especially when you really want something, you will definitely help yourself first, and that leads to the universe's help.] ![]() Saturday, February 12, 2011 ( Not a quick one after all @ 8:46 PM ) ![]() Still trying to sort out thoughts and all, but above all, I believe most of us are exhausted. From work or from lessons etc. Each time, we fall asleep telling ourselves 'Tomorrow's gonna be alright', believing in life and love. I just hope things do work out from here, our souls don't burn out one day, and we can be happy that we are still living right now, right here. (But I guess stress is imminent, and it is always there to challenge us, trying to steer us away from simple happiness and losing sight of what we need.) Just, keep holding on. Also, certain conversations kind of amuse me. Yeah I know that there are people who care extremely for you, but sometimes I kind of feel that I just want to let things known, but no I don't want any words of comfort. Because I believe that I can get things sorted out eventually, and even if I do need advices or comfort, I would seek them myself. In short, I guess I prefer to be the active one. Being passive just sort of..irks me I guess. So thank you for whoever that tries to reach out to me at times, it's not that I am reserved or I don't like you, but I have my own plans. I really do just like to rant. With nothing else attached. (: So please, just see/listen, and be silent until I ask. Which led me thinking, I am truly someone who forgives easily. I don't suppose people forget easily too, but each time I swear to hurt somebody in the future/Break off connections/Never forgive someone, it always fails pathetically. Ha ha ha so never worry for anything serious or shocking I swear when I'm on the verge of breaking down. It never happens. Why too? I think sometimes I am just too nonchalant/apathetic. Or I refuse to let hate/sorrows consume my heart all the time subconsciously. At least that's healthy, but I think the real reason is that from time to time, I remember this text I've seen before that tells us to appreciate life since we are so lucky. We should be, after all, thankful for being able to wake up in the morning to the annoying alarm, or for being able to complain at work. Because we are blessed with hearing and blessed with something to do. So, I am someone who subconsciously lets it go. Which is also why I rarely complain to people, or share my feelings with others. Because deep down inside, I know that those feelings are temporary, and that the down phase will eventually pass, and the rainbow will come after the rain. So why should we annoy/bother that unlucky someone with such feelings! But undoubtedly, I admit that we need to vent our emotions too, which is also why I only inform people about how I am feeling currently, but also never delving into details. (and I guess that is why most people are left hanging there, ha ha! So sorry.) Maybe I'm lazy. But there you have it. I think it is kind of polite and necessary to tell others that you are not exactly feeling your best sometimes, so that they can empathize with you if you sound kind of down/harsh/don't really care to reply at the moment. But anything more than that? Thank you very much but no. I believe it's for your and for my own good. Things come and go. So why hold on to them and start filling your heart with hatred/sorrow? Live as though it's your last moment, experience life to its fullest (: Because stubbornly holding on to something only makes your life stressful, and painful. Such emotions are good once in a while, but we cannot feel like that forever. And that is why I think that we must (and is of extreme necessity) complain, be sad, and bemoan over whatever unfair or pathetic lives we are living right now, BUT, we must also never feel that way for long. It is, after all, a temporary phase in life. Be reminded of the simple fact that we are already luckier than many people. Think that your life is failed currently? Think that your friends/connections are bad? Or that you cannot understand why others can seemingly be better than you in life? Think again. Maybe all these thinking are the exact reason why your life hasn't changed. Stop comparing with others, stop holding on to the past, and even the present. STOP BEING WHINY ALL THE TIME. There is a difference between "always whine when you have a problem" and "always whining about the same problem". The difference is simple: Let go of whatever misfortunes you think you have, and let new ones in. At least you can whine about different things that proves that your life is moving on. Forgive, and tryy to forget. That way, we can be happier people, and people will like us. (: LOVE YOU LOADS! Sunday, February 06, 2011 ( happy chinese new year! @ 3:43 PM ) ![]() Have been trying to sort out thoughts and feelings, and I think this post is going to be pure ranting, since I have decided to blog not because of something, but because I have left this hanging here for tooooo long. hahaha :D It's always good to start afresh. (visit my tumblr!) all right perhaps some updates, I have finished The Age of Innocence, asides the bittersweet feeling from reading til the end, I really felt so sorry for Newland, for trying so hard to break free from societal conventions yet to no avail. When he has finally succumbed to it, he watches as the new generation breaks free from it easily, like some devil laughing straight back at him. I wonder, what his feelings are? Yet, he had also no courage to take that one last step. Tragedy. Sometimes, certain people are just born into the wrong world at the wrong time. Swept away by currents of time, becoming the sacrifices for society. Hmm. Hence it's now a good time to embark on another journey. Chinese book this time, perhaps (: And Sherlock Holmes too! And then I'm learning guitar, let's jam together like Girls' Dead Monster and K-ON! Hahaha dreams. And I want to continue with dancing too. everything everything. as long as my body can still take them. Learn Japanese.Practice singing.Read up on future careers.Get another internship.Experience life. Live as though there is no tomorrow, learn as though it's your last day(: and, Happy Chinese New Year. I want my pay! ![]() |