Eyu. 08'07'92 WRPS;NYGH;HCI NUS Architecture Taint a celestial vault for me in shades of blue, and sprinkle stars over clear waters, emulating musical notes floating through frozen times. Give me a sandglass containing grains of memories, take a photo of someone dancing through the prairie fields, or maybe filter Paris's boulevards and cafes in vintage lens -- drown me in such ethereal worlds. ♪s recommends ♥KAGAYA ♥MND Minister Khaw Boon Wan the next route, family blogs ♥09A16 ♥ARES ♥ROU+EYU LUNWEN ♥102 '06 ♥202 '06 ♥NYCHOIR 202'06 ♥bearbear ♥guenn ♥minying ♥yihui 408'08 ♥evelyn ♥felicia ♥rouying ♥chiling seniors ♥ewe ♥her tumblr 09A16 <3 ♥jinyao 6w1 '04 <3 ♥yukiyoyeo (: ♥hweetian ♥cheryl ♥yen chuan
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Thursday, December 31, 2009 ( @ 2:16 AM ) ![]() HAHA, X) it's been so so so so so so long since i've last blogged, i feel almost guilty. (: theres so much stuff to catch on about, but i shall just blog about 2 more significant events then! first would be the long overdued promised photos from the windchime making session, i shall only show photos of our final product hahah. i think, this windchime is certainly the most time taking present we've ever made. ((: i guess this accounts for the belatedness! happy birthday minying! hahah i think the windchime is really really very very beautiful indeed, i want it myself too haha! second event is the xmas party we had at zijing/sansan's house, haha :D it was superb! xiao hao went too (: hope you get to meet more friends like us! too bad zhenyao jingyi and xiaohao couldnt stay over, we had a really fun time :DD
oh and even though i dont have photos but really really thanks to yc for cookies + sweets, zy for cards from japan, bk for the card, ern for the super uber kawai domo-kun and zl for the hachune miku + rin&len badge + louise choc!!!! HYUUUU <333 we really took loads of effort! and its so beautiful ♥ different lengths so it goes in a longer spiral! lollipop ♥, love you guys (: haha okay thats about it. its New Year's eve now!! the gang is coming my house later in the afternoon for new year countdown, ((: and staying over and such i hope we have a real fun time and do all the stuff we didnt manage to do last xmas party! love you people, and signing off, ♥♥♥. Saturday, December 19, 2009 ( @ 9:11 PM ) ![]() 有些事,说出口太困难。so true, so deep ♥ 但是,就算是我的语文能力太差,我还是想说。 我觉得,在一整天里,有两样事物让我感触良多。 早上的曙光,能让我感觉到世界是美丽的(: 而黑夜的寂静,却能让我深刻地感受到我依然活着。 总而言之,就是这样。呵呵♥喜欢这种感觉,喜欢在八九点特别早起的时候,望出窗外的那一刻。其实你知道吗?早晨吹来的风与夜晚时的风,是截然不同的。早晨的风,清爽无比,但在那之中能感觉到一丝丝的温暖,似乎天上的热度也传到了心里。这两种温度伴随着想象中的风铃声会直达心里,化为一阵阵的激动,而这时望向被刚升起的太阳照明的大地,你会被这世上所有的点点滴滴而震撼,the world is beautiful. ♥ 夜晚的风也能激起一波波思绪。最近我爱上了深夜(: 越迟入睡,夜晚就越冷,风亦越冷。风冷得透彻,迎面而来时能浸透全身,但隐藏在其中的,却是清新的味道,好像世界已被清洗了一番,以全新的面貌迎接第二天的到来。而这时候的街道冷冷清清,繁星在空中闪烁,真的是寂静无比,能俯视安静了的社区。此时此刻下午所有的吵杂声,烦恼的琐碎事物全抛在脑后,当下感觉到的,竟是自己的血肉,是提醒自己:我实实在在地存在这世上--这样的证据。通常随即而来的,便是生死这道谜,呵呵现在想起来实在是不可避免,it makes you feel alive. of course,我也爱夕阳西下的那一刻。简单说,就是爱那一瞬间的美妙♥不过也会黯然,因为想到了这一天即将结束,想到了我们大家每一秒都在渐渐长大。 叹一口气。我们,都已经长大,好多梦还要飞,就像从前看到的,红色的蜻蜓♪♪ haha okay 这个课题到此为止X)还想说说昨天突然想到的一件事(: 每次有心情的变化,不知为什么都会变成按琴键的动力。通常都是在感动/激动的时候弹琴,可昨天突然发现其实自己还会在心情烦躁时打开琴盖。这种时候不知为什么会不停地将所学过的歌曲一一弹出,麻木地弹完一首又一首,然后弹完后惊觉自己竟然弹完了这么多歌曲,竟做了平常不会做的事。 哈哈:D音乐……是这世上最美好的事之一。♪ :D okay looks like ive finally done one of these posts, again. (: an update on things: today bearbear came over and we began making minying's present from scratch, haha and i suddenly realised my house really has a lot of things that come in handy when we're doing handicrafts! (: we used my treasured collection of beads since primary school (haha figured that pretty things are meant to put into good use anyway), torn portion of plastic/mirror from my house's light, strings, koped photos and printed them from FB, laminated them, punched holes, and even tried to use needle+thread to poke holes at the bottom! haha and we are going to continue tomorrow and finish that windchime :DD i think it'd be very very pretty indeed! anyways share a photo from today :D took some more but shall post them after tml!
HAHAHA. i think her face expression rocks (: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 ( ♪ @ 9:12 PM ) ![]() more specifically, Avril's songs (: haha I would never get tired of her songs and here are some of the songs that I can really relate to at times, or the melody is just awesome. ♥♥ "Today's the day, I pray that we make it through. Make it through the fall, make it through it all. and I don't wanna fall to pieces, I just want to sit and stare at you. I don't wanna talk about it, and I don't want a conversation, I just want to cry in front of you." -- Fall to Pieces "Never wore a cover-up, always beat the boys up" "You know I always stay up without sleeping, and think to myself, 'Where do I belong, forever, in whose arms, the time and place?' " -- My World "I guess I'm wishing my life away, With these things I'll never say." -- Things I'll Never Say "Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow is a different day." "Tomorrow it may change, tomorrow it may change, tomorrow it may change, tomorrow it may change." -- Tomorrow "Won't you, take me by the hand?Take me somewhere new, I don't know who you are but I, I'm with you, I'm with you." -- I'm With You "And I walk out in silence, that's when I start to realize, what you bring to my life, damn this guy can make me cry/smile." "It's so contagious, I cannot get it out of my mind. It's so outrageous, you make me feel so high all the time." -- Contagious "When you walk away, I count the steps that you take. Do you see how much I need you right now?" -- When You're Gone "Waking up I see that everything's okay, the first time in my life and now it's so great. Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed, I think about the little things that make life great. I wouldn't change a thing about it, this is the best feeling." "This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay; This moment is perfect, please don't go away" "And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by." "It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming; It's the happiness inside that you're feeling; It's so beautiful, it makes you wanna cry." -- Innocence "You're not alone, together we stand, I'll be by your side you know I'll take you hand. When it gets cold and it feels like the end, there's no place to go you know I won't give in." "Before the door's closed and it comes to an end, with you by my side I will fight and defend." "Keep holding on, cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make through. Just stay strong, cos you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you." -- Keep Holding On ♥♥ :D haha it was hard typing those lyrics, but yeah (: i need to start on homework. now. Tuesday, December 15, 2009 ( ♥ @ 1:32 PM ) ![]() went to meet san san and zijing and bingkun on their arrival :D cant see san+zj! and then here are a series of photos i took at earn's house, impromptu but the lovely scene made me took out my cam and snapped a dozen of the scene, pained me to eliminate one by one haha! :D and picasa rocks, i love how the first photo turned out ♥ i wonder what would it be if i used adobe, probably more effects to use and more lovely photos, but ive only been using picasa! ♥♪. and whether or not you wonder as you stare at the photo if someone had sat in the chair previously (aw too bad i couldnt find a model) and where has he/she gone? and you wonder, if the photos contain some beautiful heartwrenching story (: by the way fell in love with 96.3FM recently, happened one day i was scanning through my radio and chanced upon it in surprise. realised it wasnt as classical like 92.4FM which contained more violin sounds, but instead had more piano/flute which created a 清爽feel :D so ive been loving the channel ever since haha (: ♥ the 清脆丁玲声piano sometimes gives that's similar to musical boxes. 甜言蜜语,左耳听见♥ p.s: omg WHY IN THE WORLD DID 雪山飞狐 STOP RIGHT THERE?! RARR. i finally understand why bearbear says its not nice. haha! and do you mean 胡斐 actually died?! noooo :(( 感叹人世间种种不幸的渊源来自于一场又一场解不开的的误会. i hope no one else today still subjects to such sadness, ♥ Thursday, December 10, 2009 ( bump into love ♥ @ 5:47 PM ) ![]() ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. :DD haha yay i know the secret to typing these lovely things! anyway i had three amazing dreams today. and they made me sleep until the sun was almost down, before i decided im being too much of a pig and finally dragging myself up to play the piano. still, ♥ (haha spank them hard!) i have also managed to learn the hard parts of Ballade Pour Adeline, so i am currently in high spirits despite wasting precious time ^o^ haha theres quite a lot of things to blog about but i dont know what comes first! oh right i think im really a very lucky person, had another lovely surprise knowing i got picked in the Essential lucky draw :D (yay to Essential i love the shampoo haha honey and milk ftw!) and then lost my handphone yesterday on the way to school, called and lucky me found that the driver/smone had found it and it was at the interchange. I THINK, bus 912 drivers are all awesome :D thank you you make Singapore such a wonderful place to live in ♥ hahahaa and then yesterday went out with yc: BEWARE MY BANGS. HAHA. managed to get stuff from Chamelon :D I think Chamelon is ♥!! haha fan of Chamleon. (: ♥ signing off~ Monday, December 07, 2009 ( cupcake love and kite flyings; @ 11:15 PM ) HEY it seems long since i've last blogged :D arent they so pretty i can stare at them for a longglongg time X) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() was reminded of kite flying while chatting to yc :D i wonder when i'll fly a kite this pretty again! credits to deviantart! ![]() haha okayy bye for a pretty short post with pretty photos (: p.s: i really like the title "story of star". or "star story" (: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 ( home sweet home(: @ 9:22 PM ) ![]() experiencing jet lag and have been duo-luo-ing. =( but its all right i shall buck up somehow!!!! compiling some of the photos i think are beautiful :D and this time, credits are NOT to deviantart, haha but MEEE :D haha omg the ego. to think that i could actually take some of these pictures in my life! AND HANYONG! thanks for taking some of the photos! (: all editing done by me, picasa rocks! ![]() haha okay i shall blog more pretty pictures soon! after gatherings/outings etc. in a search for a new music player. FINALLY. maybe i'll have to resort to changing the whole playlist sigh. edit: photos are all already on facebook :D trying to upload to picasaweb too! |