Eyu. 08'07'92 WRPS;NYGH;HCI NUS Architecture Taint a celestial vault for me in shades of blue, and sprinkle stars over clear waters, emulating musical notes floating through frozen times. Give me a sandglass containing grains of memories, take a photo of someone dancing through the prairie fields, or maybe filter Paris's boulevards and cafes in vintage lens -- drown me in such ethereal worlds. ♪s recommends ♥KAGAYA ♥MND Minister Khaw Boon Wan the next route, family blogs ♥09A16 ♥ARES ♥ROU+EYU LUNWEN ♥102 '06 ♥202 '06 ♥NYCHOIR 202'06 ♥bearbear ♥guenn ♥minying ♥yihui 408'08 ♥evelyn ♥felicia ♥rouying ♥chiling seniors ♥ewe ♥her tumblr 09A16 <3 ♥jinyao 6w1 '04 <3 ♥yukiyoyeo (: ♥hweetian ♥cheryl ♥yen chuan
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Friday, February 29, 2008 ( [ =) ] @ 8:56 PM ) 叶在飘 柔柔细雨跟着落下 还记得我们去年 秋季曾在这里度过 一切都那么地(??) 一切都(?????) 现在想起来好虚假 一切都只能凭记忆来幻想 日子一天天过去 我装出一副无所谓模样 却不知道 泪水已悄悄爬到脸上 (???) (???) 却一直看到你送我的玫瑰 喜怒哀乐在我心中(??) hahah. there are many places left blank because i forgot what was the composed lyrics. sad huh. but its kind of amazing how i suddenly remembered after that long time had passed. maybe i would learn song composing one day and finish the song. 《追风筝的人》,“为你,千千万万遍。” 好感人的一句。 Thursday, February 28, 2008 ( [ posting ] @ 11:42 PM ) i love 408 class song! song written by chiling, lyrics by peiying: 总会有该放手的时候, 这是无法破除的魔咒。 即使我们坚持不放手, 到最后未必会有结果。 生活总有失意的时候, 我们已经学会如何接受 就算难过无法说出口, 还是要坚持不让泪流。 我们日夜等候, 仍然还是看不到, 那一片雨后的彩虹。 我一个人静静看着日落, 没人了解心中的落寞。 以为就只能这样过, 忽然你拉起我的手! 我们推开通往未来的门, 回头一看我们微笑了。 你抓稳我颤抖的手, 从此以后勇敢向前走! 这是属于我们的故事; 我们自己将它写成诗, 我们的故事里,有你。 (: i love the composed song. chiling you are pro! once again showing we are more of musically inclined class hahah. but actually i still want to do dance but yeah its highly difficult as no one will support it. and it reminds me of the song HT and I wrote halfway. hah. having a dream is important. but it is not necessary to fulfill it. after all, its only a dream. and i will always like our song lyrics even though we dont have the ability to compose! XD it marks down the day in our P6 remedial lessons in the class next to the fitness corner. the lovely times. i want to go on, never stopping, so please let the unknown always be a comma, Wednesday, February 27, 2008 ( [more GRACES preparation photos] @ 9:20 PM ) im here to post the photos for the other formal dinner night at GRACES! the malay extravaganza dinner or something ^^ everyone needs to wear malay ethnic costume, if not, any ethnic costume! im wearing QIPAO with cindy yay! HAHAH pyu-chan! i know you will have a high chance of vomitting if you see the photos...because MY QIPAO IS BLUEISH GREEN. hahahahahhhh actly the photo shows more blue of it but it should have been pro-green. oh and the other qipao was for trying as well, but i decided not to wear it because cindy and i agreed that it looks kind of scary and matured -.- and it looks somewhat like attending a funeral (colour, oops!) eliminated QIPAO: its longer and has a longer slit! decided QIPAO to wear: shorter and plainer. I LOOK FORWARD TO EVERYONE'S GOWNS WOOH. and i look forward to curl our hair! hahah Tuesday, February 26, 2008 ( [ GRACES preparation ] @ 9:08 PM ) posting these photos also because we need to show our FTs whether our gowns are appropriate or not. so i shall post just in case class contact time comes and we have to go lab again! my formal gown! i love blueeee thats close to baby blue. it makes me go wild and melt my heartt =D nahnah. GRACES is next wed. i look so forward to it hahah! and today's chem quiz and math quiz are all over YAYness. no more looking back and i feel so happy! may you be blessed by the lord. ( [photos finally] @ 12:10 AM ) im soso sorry it took me so long! hohohoh ive included the last time visit to ht's house as well (third time) when we tried to take abstract photos. 3rd visit to Ht's hse: 31 photos. (me and ht were trying to attempt abstracty photos or emo photos in the pool hahah) last december visit to ht's hse with cheryl and ewe: 65 photos we had a self manicure session and a mini fashion parade XD IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO UPLOAD! PLEHH. im doing this when im supposed to be doing other things. hahah. but the sense of guilt is not there! whyyy. wish upon a falling star. Sunday, February 24, 2008 ( [ emptied ] @ 9:54 PM ) touched by the korean drama's misunderstandingness realization and make up for it-ness. hah. im always touched by these scenes. the way people misunderstand each other is just so xin suan. and the way they make up for it is so gan ren. oh wells. i shall blog about my love for chocolates! hahahah! even though chocolates make us fat easily, i dont care. i love chocolates! if you place a bar of it in front of me i'll never say no to it. well, unless its nuts chocolate. plehh. okay i hate chocolates that contains nuts. but i think there are some exceptions! yay i shall just randomly list out the brands or types of chocolates i LOVE =D TOBLERONE. CADBURY. NESTLE. KITKAT. MARS BARS. DOVE. DARS. MERCI. HERSHEYS. (KISSES AND BARS!) HONEYCOMB CHOCS. (CRUNCHY) MILK CHOCS. WHITE CHOCS. hahah. and lots more! ohyes i wanted to say right it seems weird why people like to give ferrero rocher (spelling?) as presents. esp in one whole box. i know its expensive but hahah i dont really like it ALOT. i dont detest it but i dont think its esp nice too. BUT pian pian all the people give that and i think maybe my tastebuds are weird. lalala! I HATE NUTTY CHOCS BUT SOMETIMES THEY TASTE NICE TOO. TOBLERONE IS TEHH BEST IM INFLUENCED. HAHAH ROUYINGGG! YOU KILLED MY LOVE FOR CADBURY! p.s: hazel brown eyes and clear watery blue eyes melt my heart awayyy. Thursday, February 21, 2008 ( [journey] @ 12:52 AM ) im tired and worn out. 今天绕了Singapore Changi Airport 的Budget Terminal一圈,又到了Terminal 2绕了一圈。 实在是累死了。 From taxi to terminal, from shuttle bus to terminal, from mrt to walking, and from walking to home. total hours: 4 hours. 哭过笑过,一切都过去了。 现在让我们来烦恼下面的事吧! lalala. I realised that proposals are getting more and more difficult to write throughout the years. This year proposals are so weighted and keep getting rejected. But i hope that our math research project proposal pass through. and we dragged for so long hahah! sighhhh. oh yeah i think ive finally finished collecting all my angpaos. XD my angpaos are little but quite expensive for each. thus im very much contended. and! should i learn: MTV Jazz Latin Jazz Contemporary dance (very difficult to find and compromise with cindy ahha oh and expensive!) or International dance like salsa latin ...? My determination to learn Jazz has been wavered ever since my mum said its better to learn international dances. AND i worry that MTV Jazz is too similar to hiphop. in the end we may learn nothing at all, no skills! learning international dance may force myself to continue learning, hah. and actually my priority (spelling?) is Contemporary dance (modern dance) but ahhh dancearts' modern dance is so expensiveeeee (so was the teen jazz tts why i was so heartbroken) and because im using my own money to pay for it. money from tuitioning - dance money = not much left for savings. SO. I better start planning from now. Wednesday, February 20, 2008 ( [happy] @ 12:58 AM ) thank you all!! esp cindy and xx. HAHAH. although i comfort myself by hugging xx with her struggling hohoh. today is so funny. everyone was hugging xiaoxi because cindy and i told everyone to! (from afar after school, we saw XX tugging at the door string curtain along by herself) cindy: 她在做什么啊!一个人在那里孤独的拉绳子……AWWWWW XX 我们来了!!! me: HAHAHAH AWWWW XX 我们来了!! (at this point XX looks up in alarm and gives us that look haha OMG you will never know until you finally meet her one day) cin + me: (running up and grabbing her and hugging her) AWWW XX 我们来安慰你了!!!!(even though she dont need any) (calling wenqi to hug her as well) (XX struggles hardly to get away the 3 people's evil hands) ... .. . and on and on and on hahaha. awww. XX is nice to hug! and shes so ego and proud and shy and blah until we love to love her! (HHAHA) but you really cant imagine it unless you know her. ^^ today was happy!! happy happy! i love bio but sigh i have to drop it when i go JC. OH. and i thought of titanic the other day and i went to watch the MTV of my heart will go on by celine dion. it rocks! it makes me feel like crying again hahha. and, i found i'm alive by her as well the song rocks too! gives you a pulse of life. vids are below (: My Heart Will Go On. I LIKE JACK AND ROSE. AW. I'm Alive. BY THE WAY. I THINK THE SMALL GUY IN THIS VID IS SO CUTE AWW. hahah Im blabbering nonsense again. they both give me pulses of living! Friday, February 15, 2008 ( [ (: ] @ 9:43 PM ) 不是因为某个人,不是为了某件事。 而是因为经过了这么多事后,我突然在一个蔚蓝的下午猛然发现,平时一直不知道为了什么而卖力地活。读了很多篇文章,我也知道这种莫名的力量也就是单单为了活下去的力量,为了活而活伟大的力量。 但就是在那一天我忽然发现那股一直以来把我推向前的莫名力量不见了。 我很彷徨地想到,我最近好像活得好没价值。 经过一些人的解释竟有了被欺骗的感觉,本来很喜欢的科目忽然都好像是幻觉而已。加在一起我发现我对自己的未来真的什么都不知道,因为就算什么事都有点天分,却是不可能走的路。想走的路却没有一点机会。 虽然知道船到桥头自然直,但心底还是会隐隐发痛发慌。 不过谢谢大家的关心 (: 谢谢佩螢和慧恬! 还有其他表示关心的朋友。 我相信我们都会走出自己的一片天。 祝福大家十六岁的旅程。 那匆忙的,甜美的十六岁旅程。 Wednesday, February 13, 2008 ( [ spirited away ] @ 10:14 PM ) 好像真的无止境的,一直掉下去。 当一个人堕落的时候,就会一直深陷下去吧? 至少,我现在是这个样子。 悲惨,堕落的样子。 面对着《十年》,我依然时时刻刻想到《沙漏》。我真的很想把它读完,因为不只是饶雪漫的文笔太让人催人泪下,她笔下的女孩也真的让人好感动。 感动到连自己也想要变成那个女孩,虽然她的生命是坎坷的,一辈子走错了好多路。 也虽然书中的女孩生活方式不一定是对的,但是饶雪漫的文笔却能震撼我们,读的时候会有心酸的感觉,脸上却微笑着,心里期盼着。 所以,如果我睡了,请让我继续睡下去。 Sunday, February 10, 2008 ( [more photos!] @ 11:25 PM ) (i hope my blog doesnt turn out to be a photo blog, hah.) Hamper wrapping competition with PY and Cindy darl! XD our hamper was screwed because the wrapper i bought was...barely translucent. BUT! it was the best time we ever had! (the hamper was flowery!) ![]() went out with Cindy on 6.2.08! plaza singapura's toilet was nice so we began to camwhore abit. hohoh. my piano bag from china <3! I told cindy to han2 the comb in her mouth specially hahah! after the movie... kay tata now! =D Friday, February 08, 2008 ( [slideshows!] @ 4:06 PM ) ive added the nanjing one even though i uploaded it before! ENJOY! NANJING. warning:188 photos ! SUZHOU. warning: 263 photos! HANGZHOU. warning: 88 photos! SHAOXIN. warning: 59 photos! ZHENGHAI (NINGBO). warning: 46 photos! NINGBO. warning: 155 photos! SHANGHAI LAST STOP! warning: 369 photos!!! OKAY. hope you have enjoyed the photos! XD tataaa i may upload other photos someday! Thursday, February 07, 2008 ( [CNY] @ 4:44 PM ) went out with cindy yesterday to watch movie and take neoprint. hohoh. -.- but watched quite a boring movie called 27 dresses. hahah why did i say it was boring? because I always watch HBO and all I see everytime are movies like this. rarr. i wanted to watch CJ7 but the other people (Cin's fren's frens) didnt want to. things you learn in LA: tyranny is the majority. oh wells. so in order not to spoil their fun we just watched it. and luckily, there were NEOPRINTS to save the day ahaa! oh man i was so glad we went to Heeren to take the neoprints specially when we were in plaza singapura. its only 10 dollars and the whole thing is blingblingish and there were two shots in one! ![]() eee i dont know why its blurred. when i scanned it it was very clear and nice! edited: oh wait. if you click on it you will see a very big and clear picture of our neos! but anyway, I HAVE BEEN UPLOADING PHOTOS OF MY TRIP TO CHINA ONTO PICASA WEB. AND OMG THE SPEED WAS SUPER FAST! before it was like 2 hours upload one photo. now I've already uploaded 300+ photos in just a short time. i shall blog it in my next post! (maybe today later) Monday, February 04, 2008 ( [ mesmerizing ] @ 10:31 PM ) I have been mesmerized by the power of piano. again. hah. after learning Marriage d' amour, my next goal is to try to learn Ballade pour Adeline. not only because that it may look really nice on my NYAA, (hah) it is really my life goal to play these two songs hohoh. since young, I have been listening my friend's sister playing these two songs and everytime im mesmerized by the songs. its a wonder how the notes and keys touch your heart. I know that it may seem easy for the piano learners but considering the fact that my music background is like, practically nothing and only choir, Im really really happy if i can learn this song. wheee (: I've embedded youtube's video! I know I may never play like people like him but Im okay with that. hahah I have been thinking on this issue as well and I have come to a conclusion: that I am an arts appreciator and not an arts creator. ^^ but I'll try my best! Oh yeah my dream presents are also hohoh if anyone ever gives me a GRAND PIANO or a pair of ROLLER SKATES/BLADES or the money to learn DANCE or SKATING i think i will just drop down on my knees and cry. hohoh. because its impossible as well. Im mesmerized everytime it comes to dancing ice figure skating or musical concerts (violin guitar drums PIANO!) and i would gladly go to any such concerts hohoh provided with something ^^ videos: Ballade pour Adeline Marriage d' amour: Saturday, February 02, 2008 ( [time to fly and drop] @ 1:10 AM ) me: oh shit! our class deco not enough time to finish! HAHA Let's bring these cheese into LA movie lecture and cut them! Cindy: YEAH. and when the movie (on war) shows that person's head being blow up and roll roll roll, you just look up and "OH the head just blew up!" and look back down to continue cutting your cheese!! me: LOL. dont be such a saddist! hahah. on another note, sometimes I really feel tired and sick of this world. of various various factors. of all the people we dont want to face and all the dilemma we face. but life has to go on. and so here we are. sometimes, I really wonder how it feels to be like one of them. Maybe adopting a characteristic like them may lift things in my heart a bit more. or maybe, just maybe, I should quit all of it all and focus. and even maybe, I should stop using maybe. Friday, February 01, 2008 ( [photos] @ 8:59 PM ) hahah sorry but I find that my blogging language varies very differently. sometimes it will be abstracty and sometimes it will be random and sometimes it will be long and draggy and on days like this i will post photos (HA) KOPED FROM CINDY'S DEDICATED POST (hah thanks so much i feel so honoured! XD) (and mostly because I have been bugging her to send them to me. helping out for choir's fund raising in home econs kitchen: selling of homemade
nuts" WOOHOO. more to come on the hamper wrapping competition today with PY and Cindy. IT WAS A FAILURE but we had so much fun aw! and CNY class deco competition! (I LOVE MY CURTAINS) i will when i kop more photos from Cindy hahah!! have to search for dance studios now. I WANT TO LEARN MODERN JAZZ BECAUSE HIPHOP WAS QUITE DISGREEABLE TO ME AFTER LEARNING IT HOHOH. |